Our tangible products exist to help women restore physical health back into their households.

The Apron Alliance is the holistic branch of IRON31. This was an idea derived from my husband when I started getting into homemaking a little over a year ago. The gift of homemaking was brought to me during a time where I needed emotional and spiritual restoration, and through it, I found God’s beautiful design of slowness that I did not know I needed, as it has unfortunately been lost to the fast pace culture of our world.

We exists to serve women with our products to bring physical health back into the homes using the resources the Lord has naturally given us. We hope you enjoy, and we pray it restores nourishment to your homes!

the apron alliance

We understand you may have questions about our TALLOW products, we’ve got you covered!

  • Tallow is made from rendered animal fat, particularly from 100% grass-fed sources.

    Historically, tallow has been used for centuries across various cultures for its nourishing properties. Its compatibility with the human skin dates back to ancient times when it was prized for its ability to soothe and protect the skin from harsh environmental elements.

    As a natural substance, tallow aligns with holistic principles of sustainability and minimal processing, making it a preferred choice for those seeking wholesome skincare solutions

  • 100% Grass fed beef tallow, Revive Lavender & Skin Health essential oils, castor oil, argon oil, vitamin E oil

  • Tallow's compatibility with our skin stems from its resemblance to the natural oils produced by our own bodies.

    Unlike many synthetic skincare products that can disrupt the skin's delicate balance, tallow contains similar lipid profiles to human sebum, allowing it to be readily absorbed and utilized by the skin.

    This compatibility makes it an ideal choice for individuals with sensitive or easily irritated skin, as it nourishes and moisturizes without clogging pores or causing adverse reactions.

    Tallow contains fat-soluble vitamins such as A, D, E, and K, which further contribute to its skin-loving properties by promoting cell regeneration, reducing inflammation, and supporting overall skin health.

  • Tallow offers a multitude of benefits for sensitive skin, making it a gentle and effective skincare option. Firstly, its composition closely resembles the natural oils produced by our skin, allowing it to integrate seamlessly without causing irritation.

    This similarity helps to replenish and strengthen the skin's lipid barrier, which is often compromised in individuals with sensitive skin, leading to increased resilience against environmental stressors.

    Tallow is rich in nourishing fatty acids and vitamins, which work synergistically to hydrate and soothe sensitive skin, reducing redness, inflammation, and discomfort. Its emollient properties create a protective layer on the skin's surface, shielding it from external aggressors while locking in moisture to prevent dryness and irritation.

  • This is up to your disgretion with the knowledge of the ingredients listed above. Please do consider that our products are all produced with the same amount ingredients in all of them.

  • My Urban Homestead is a brand new branch off of IRON31 and we are amazed at the take off. Currently, the only way to order is to contact Ashley through her Instagram @mrs.roembke or email through team@iron31.com.

    This products is locally sold in Hamilton County for $25 dollars, or you can purchase below online for $32 with shipping included!

  • Our tallow is a versatile cooking fat made from rendering 100% beef fat.
    It's rich in nutrients and adds a unique flavor to dishes. To use tallow, simply melt it down and use it for frying, roasting, or as a replacement for butter or oil in recipes. Its high smoke point makes it ideal for high-heat cooking. Enjoy the natural goodness and rich flavor of tallow in your culinary creations!

a letter from Ashley

hi there! :) I am Ashley, and I just want to say thank you so much for your current or interested purchase from us. To a woman looking into IRON31, she may think there is a lot going on here. Tallow, sourdough, devotionals, what is going on?! But let me narrow your focus.

We simply exist to help women restore to the original design the Lord intended for them both physically and spiritually.

With many years of coaching behind me, I found that most, if not all, women struggle with not feeling enough as a woman, so they search the world, their careers, their relationships, and their belongings to gain the value and worth they are searching for, only leading to dead ends, heartbreak, and a chaotic, comparison-filled life.

Sister, I want you to know that you are made for much more than this world offers. YOU have a divine and specific purpose here on earth, but your continuous search for your identity in the world and your paralysis from insecurities and past wounds will prevent you from experiencing it. Take a look at the resources we have available below, we would be honored to come alongside you in your womanhood!

How to get connected  to all our resources!

Step 1: Join our Online Community

Join the FREE Iron31 online community and download our app!. Replace the endless social media scrolling with a supportive community and life-giving content and conversations.

Step 2: Listen to the Iron31 Podcast

Listen in on edifying conversations that are full of God-given teachings and revelations that will direct your eyes towards Christ as you walk through your womanhood.

Step 3: Peak at our Digital Resources

Our resources serve as a guiding light to the One who knows every aspect of your womanhood, steering you away from the noise of secular influences & redirecting your focus.

There is a bigger mission here at IRON31..

As mentioned above, we exist to help women restore back to their God given design, and our mission is to teach woman how to use the Bible to experience freedom from shame and comparison so they can walk in their God-given design and purpose. Our tangible products, such as our tallow, simply serve as a reminder of the PHYSICAL resources God has given us to heal and nurture, but spiritually He has always given us a resource to depend on, and that is His written word.

Take a deeper look into what we offer in our IRON31 community!


Unshackled is a 13-week course designed to free you from the strongholds in your life that are affecting your relationships, body image, femininity, worth, and identity. This course teaches you how to use the Bible as your primary weapon against the waging, spiritual war so that you can step into who the Lord has already designed you to become.

Unshackled brings awareness of the power of Jesus and reveals unknown roots of your past that are directing your life. It is time to live a life of freedom and give no more authority to the bondages you are tangled in.

Free Devotionals

We believe in cultivating a spiritual resilience that empowers women to chase after God's voice above all human opinions. Each devotional is crafted to be a compass, leading you through the peaks and valleys of your journey, fostering a closeness to the Lord that goes beyond the ordinary. By immersing yourself in these resources, you'll be equipped not only to navigate life's decisions with divine wisdom but also to embrace and embody the unique design God has intended for you.

Ultimate Sourdough Guide

This guide was created for the busy woman who is doubting she can bring bread-making into her home and is ready to simplify the process and share the tasty outcome with her family.

Through our guide, you will get life-time updates to the education, information, recipes, and frequently asked questions, as well as the tutorial videos we have for each stage of the sourdough process.