Tune into the IRON31 Podcast to listen in on edifying conversations that are full of God-given teachings, and revelations that will direct your eyes towards Christ as you walk through your womanhood.

Come take a seat with us, you will hear us talking about…

  • Scripture Application

    We all need direction in our lives, and oftentimes we go to the world to look for that direction. This podcast was designed to teach you how to use scripture for guidance in every aspect of your life.

  • Womanhood

    There are so many aspects to our womanhood, that at times it can seem overwhelming. Tune in to connect with other women and learn how to navigate biblically through life as a woman.

  • Wellness - Natural Living

    Debunking the world’s definition of wellness, we discuss how the Bible guides us to build our body as temple through nutrition, exercise, & rest to rid of negative body image.

We just launched Season 3.. we threw a curve ball with the show.. and it is POWERFUL..

Season 3 encompasses the vision behind why IRON31 exists.. and that is to usher women into their God-given purpose, while healing from their past and embracing their God-given design without shame or comparison.. So we wanted to give space for exactly that to happen, as we have hand-picked women to be on the show to talk about the wisdom they have accrued through their earthly trials. The unique walks of these women truly amaze me, and the wisdom they share is applicable for any woman listening. The Holy Spirit is MOVING through these women.

catch up on season 2.

What they are saying!

I love coming alongside women to help them understand and apply the Bible to find restoration, healing, direction, and… PURPOSE in their lives.

As someone who battled with anxiety, self worth, and feelings of never doing enough, nothing of the world was able to redeem me except for the power of the God’s Word. We tend to go to the Bible and prayer as our last resource because it seems daunting and overwhelming to us, so this podcast and our resources exist so that you can learn to operate out of God’s word rather than wounds and words of your past. Join us at the table for conversations that integrate God’s word into all aspects of your womanhood.

Our Top Resources

5-Day Rewire Your Thinking

This is a FREE resource that we would like to gift to you! This deep study over the book of Nehemiah is will help women rebuild foundations and gain direction in the areas she is experiencing resistance.

IRON31 App + Community

We all know that social media can be a comparison trap, so we moved our community offline! Take advantage of our FREE community + app where you will join other ladies in daily education and support!


This intensive 13-Section course walks ladies through restoration and into purpose. It is for women who are wanting to learn how to understand and apply the Bible for direction to their purpose.


It has been a dream of mine for years to launch a podcast, and it is finally here! I love to have deep conversations with the ladies in my life talking about the revelations the Lord has spoken to guide us in our womanhood. And now we have made it a podcast, and I want to invite you to the table!

Join us for scripture-breathen conversations with a little sass, and a lot of laughs to help guide you through the transitional times in your life!

Interested in having Ashley be a guest or speak at your event?