Stop with New Year’s Resolutions, & Do This Instead.

Season 2 - EPS 1 - IRON31 Podcast


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Going into a new year inevitably comes with new goals.

It’s our world’s natural and most loved reset button.

Although we enter the new year with a renewed momentum, we are still the same person with the same struggles and same capacities that we had before the clock struck midnight.

Not to be negative, but when the ball drops and the countdown is over, magic doesn’t transform us into a whole different person.

But here is what we must consider before making a New Year’s Resolution:

1️⃣ Quick Fixes vs. Sustainable Change:

Resolutions often lean towards quick fixes and habit implementation that does not fit your current capacity. People will add habits before analyzing their current lifestyle and schedules and then will be defeated by overwhelm by February 1st.

2️⃣ The “All or Nothing” Trap

Resolutions tend to fall into the “all or nothing” trap. Small victories matter. Celebrate progress, not perfection.

3️⃣ Continuous Growth Trumps Annual Overhauls

Opt for continuous growth rather than an annual overhaul of new habits at the start of the year. Consistent, small improvements lead to more sustainable and lasting health outcomes.

PS your goals may change as your seasons and circumstances change as too.

We often create our goals not based on what we want, but based upon what we see others accomplishing, and creating these goals alone gives a dopamine hit to our insecurities.

Life has become a big game of keep up, and New Year’s Resolutions only offer us a restart button to our annual disappointments to self serve our ego.

I stopped making New Year Resolutions 4 years ago and have been implementing a “Word of the Year” instead.

Choosing a word helps me revert back to the word in times of small and big decision making.

My word for this next year is Remain, coming from John 15:4, “Remain in me, and I in you.”

I go more in depth in the episode, so please make sure to listen and use our free “Word of the Year” Resource for reflection!


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New to the IRON 31 Podcast? Let me catch you up!

As someone who battled with anxiety, self worth, and feelings of never doing enough, nothing of the world was able to restore me except for the power of the God’s Word. We tend to go to the Bible and prayer as our last resource because it seems daunting and overwhelming to us, so this podcast and our resources exist so that you can learn to operate out of God’s word rather than wounds and words of your past.

I love to have deep conversations with the ladies in my life, talking about the revelations the Lord has spoken to guide us as we navigate all seasons of our womanhood.

Join us at the table for conversations that integrate God’s word into all aspects of your womanhood.

Want to listen to previous episodes?

There is so much to gain and consider from this podcast in your own life whether you identify as a Christian or not

What are they saying?

This is such a wonderful and uplifting with every day application in real life situations on how to [become] closer to God!!
Love the wisdom and heart of this podcast!

Check out our resources.

The Pareimi Planner

We designed this planner to help you focus on what matters in the very moment, but help you plan out, stay organized, and take action on the purpose the Lord has given you - without ever feeling like you are not doing enough.

Made specifically for the woman who wants to keep everything in one place, this beautiful download acts as a one stop shop for planning, documenting, and journaling!

Unshackled Course

Unshackled is a 13-week course designed to free you from the past hurt you have experienced in your life that is affecting your relationships, body image, femininity, worth, and identity.

This course teaches you how to use the Bible as your primary weapon against the waging, spiritual war so that you can step into who the Lord has already designed you to become.

Bible Studies and Devotionals

Right now we have a FREE Resource call the 5-Day Rebuild, which is a study on the book of Nehemiah that teaches us how we can repair the broken areas of our life when God is our accomplice. We dive into scripture and reflect on how we can apply God’s word to the areas we want to see restored.

Stay tuned, we are in the works of creating more and more Bible Studies and devotionals for our community so that you can learn more and read the Bible with conviction and direction, as you become more and more familiar with your Father’s voice.

The Ultimate Sourdough Guide

Sourdough Making sounds complicated, overwhelming, and honestly something that no one has time for in our hustle culture. I GET IT. But this guide was created for the busy woman who is doubting she can bring bread-making into her home.

Through my guide, you will get life-time updates to the education, information, recipes, and frequently asked questions, as well as the tutorial videos we have for each stage of the sourdough process. There is also places to leave comments and ask questions as you walk along your journey!