We are a group of women owned small businesses who’d love to share our passions of homemade or curated items with you. Come join us, bring a friend, and make it the BEST DAY EVER!

The vision behind this event is to bring women under one roof so that they can serve the community with their businesses. This serves two purposes. To give Jesus through our different talents, interests, and passions, as well as continue to get the name of women’s ministries out there organically. There is power in getting a group of women under one roof, and this will serve that purpose! So come and join us, and see what our vendors have to offer you! Main payment options are going to be cash, Venmo and few other forms of digital payment.

We have a huge variety of items that are guaranteed to have something for everyone! We just had our August market that was geared towards BACK TO SCHOOL! It went so well we went in with eagerness to GIVE through our talents and a left with a heart to GROW through our perseverance! Below are some of our former vendors at some of our prior Mosh Pits!

Our Mission


Christmas Market Details: COMING SOON!

Meet the host of the event.

Hey, I’m Ashley, and I feel a call on my life to help women restore back to their original design God intended for them. With many years of coaching behind me, I found that most, if not all, women struggle with not feeling enough as a woman, so they search the world, their careers, their relationships, and their belongings to gain the value and worth they are searching for, only leading to dead ends, heartbreak, and a chaotic, comparison-filled life.

YOU have a divine and specific purpose here on earth, but your continuous search for your identity in the world and your paralysis from insecurities and past wounds will prevent you from experiencing it. We have many resources here at IRON31, feel free to check those out after you RSVP to our event!

If you haven’t already, head on over to Apple, Spotify, and YouTube to listen to the IRON31 Podcast to get a closer grasp on our mission here!

Take a minute to check out our other resources!

Online Community

Join the FREE Iron31 online community. Replace the endless social media scrolling and comparing to supportive, real and God-loving content and conversations.

Iron31 Podcast

Listen in on edifying conversations that are full of God-given teachings and revelations that will direct your eyes towards Christ as you walk through your womanhood.

Digital Resources

Our devotionals & guides serve as a guiding light to the One who knows every aspect of your womanhood, steering you away from the noise of secular influences & redirecting your focus.

Interested in being a vendor at our next Ministry Mosh Pit?